Wave goodbye to cold starts forever 👋

We'll ping your service every 5 minutes to keep your app running lightning ⚡fast for your users.

Error. Your form has not been submittedEmoji
This is what the server says:
There must be an @ at the beginning.
I will retry

What's a cold start?

A "cold start" in serverless computing refers to the delay that occurs when a new instance of a serverless function is spun up to handle a request.

Why does this happen?

Well, imagine you're a serverless function at a busy coffee shop, waiting for a customer to place an order. But since it's a slow day, you've been standing there for hours, daydreaming and getting lost in your thoughts.

Suddenly, a customer walks in and places an order, and you snap back to reality and start making their drink. 

But since you've been idle for so long, your espresso machine and milk frother are cold, and it takes a little while to heat up and get back to full steam. 

That's a "cold start"!

But... how do I fix cold starts?

The fix is actually incredibly easy. You just need to send a web request to the endpoint every 5 minutes.

Now, for larger apps this isn't a problem because they get this traffic naturally.

For some smaller apps, this also isn't a problem as you can set up a piece of your infastructure to call itself every 5 minutes.

But, for a large percentage of JamStack applications out there, you don't have a static server in place that can trigger the web request every 5 minutes.

So, while it's not hard to do, it's not the 5 minute fix it should be. With fixcoldstarts.com, it's not just a 5 minute fix. 

It's a 5 second fix. 

Currently preventing cold starts for 12,840 endpoints

Ready to eliminate cold starts forever?

Error. Your form has not been submittedEmoji
This is what the server says:
There must be an @ at the beginning.
I will retry